Angeliki joined our practice in August 2020, she has since proven to be a valuable asset to the company, delivering coherent and compelling outcomes to the given projects.
Her sensitivity and eye for quality design provides a constant insight into the development of every task. She has been involved on all stages of projects, from feasibility to construction, while evolving and becoming ever more self-sufficient.
Our clients have been very pleased to work directly with her. We trust her methodology and her outstanding manners to be of example and benefit to any business.
Angeliki is working towards becoming an Architect, her work is currently focusing on developing technical and management skills in order to achieve the next mile stone in her carrier.
Andreas is a charismatic, skilled and eloquent team member. Since joining he has worked on several residential projects and he is introducing Revit to the office, a valuable tool for a providing the company and our client clarity and efficiency
Since completing his bachelor’s degree he has worked on a plethora of projects, that being residential, community, commercial, education and hospitality. He is currently on his final year of his Part 2.
He understands the importance of work as well as the academic aspect of architecture and will be involved in the whole process of designing a building.
His attention to detail on every project he works on, results in his work being of the highest standard. After receiving his Part 2 qualification next year, Andreas will take on more responsibilities that will allow him to improve his skills and achieve his goal of becoming a qualified architect.